Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Poopo Dance!!


being as modest as she can be on the toilet

Wooooooohooooo!! She is finally ready for Potty Training ..It isn't hard getting her to sit on the potty. On the other hand it is hard getting her to focus on getting down to business. She keeps me tide up with her I didn't realize "potty training required this much patience. I am not able to move until she is done. Meanwhile she will sing and dance this show can take up to 30 minutes!(it drives me crazy but I guess it is better that changing poopy diapers and its cheaper!)... One time she was singing and wanted me to dance so i did, that is when my "brilliant idea" came to the picture to start doing the "POOPO DANCE" she loved it and finally DID IT!!!(went potty). Last Sunday at church i whispered in her ear do you need to go potty? and she scream!!! YEAH POOPOOOOO DANCE ! and as we where walking to the bathroom she was telling everybody about her POOPO Dance ...I was in shock and trying to go as fast as I could not making eye contact with the people in the hallway.When we got there guess what happend?? Nothing....ohh well It is part of it..but it makes me realized that my little Sofi is growing and i am so proud of her ... this is just a taste of how my next ten years are going to be !!.... I guess you don't realize all the little things that come with having a child and being a mom,it really shows me how much you can love your children and to be able to go through everything they can put you through! Love you sofia!! don't get mad at me 18 years latter when you see this post in your baby book...

1 comment:

Mary-Sunshine said...

She looks sooo cute! I love it! But, I have to ask, was it hard to get her to poop on the toilet? Evelynne just won't do it.

After today, it made me realize how much I really miss you! I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO BE HERE!!!!


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