Sunday, October 5, 2008



1.I Love to eat .Baby showers, weddings or any activities with food I will be there it does not have to be anything fancy as long as I didn’t have to go trough the hard work of preparing and its free but to enjoy it, I will be there..

2. STOP SIGNS!! Oh my gosh this is a very hard for me for some strange reason I don’t always see them even though I try hard to see if there is one coming ah ah but sometimes I try to hard that I stop when I don’t need to and people definitely let me know…HELLO PEOPLE!, this has nothing to do with me this is the way we drive in Puerto Rico there is no such thing as right a ways even for pedestrians. I found out the hard way when I got pulled over for honking my horn and revving my engine at a pedestrian that was taking his sweet old time crossing the street. “You should have saw the look on his face” . (but don’t worry I am now a traffic school graduate of 2008 and now I am an educated driver J)

3. I would have loved to have been a cheerleader. When I was in college I got an offer but I declined I was taking 21 credits and I knew I was not going to have the time. I love the gymnastics part of it and flying in the air and waiting for someone’s mercy to catch me but, I don’t know If I could have ever done this:

all the funny faces and give me a “D” “R” “A” “M” “A”

4. Baby sitting……. Ohh this is a hard one for me I found super hard to leave my kids with someone not knowing their past (yeah I probably will ask for a background check if a have to) plus it is so expensive. I wish I could be a little more flexible with that but I CAN”T it drives Travis crazy. I know I need to do better. If there is any baby sitter out there reading this … this are the requirements but not limited to
a. CPR certified and experience on it with successful results
b. 10years or more experience with kids
c. Sing and dance
d. Criminal background check
e. No texting or talking on the phone while taking care of my kids
f. Cook and I am talking real food
G.5 personal and professional references with phone number and SS#
H. Be ready to call 911 at any time
Just kidding! (but (a) its true)

I know I know Travis hates this oh well…

5. SHORT TEMPER!! uff this is a good one. It’s probably shorter than me. This is something that runs in my family (so its no my fault, DNA). But it doesn’t take me forever to let go. Travis is so patient with me or he just doesn’t understand me because I will tend to talk in Spanish and English at the same time and I can literally expel over a thousand words per minute.

6. Driving Directions N,W,S,E ????? This one is scary I can truly be lost in no time (Travis is the total opposite) I have no sense of direction whatsoever. I always take the longest route possible not because I want to but I guess I must have gotten lost in heaven when they where handing out that ability. Good think I have a husband who was first in line and thanks to GPS technology!!!!!!

7. I Love riding a bike! it is one of my favorites thing to do ever. But I don’t have one! Well I have one but am back in PR. I miss the beach like nothing else I grew up by it.. It was so natural to just go an take walks in the mornings or at night I never though about a place that would not have a beach .Just thinking about the idea that now if I want to go to the beach I need $$$, before it was free, not anymore.. L


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